Bringing neighbours closer
Welcome to the Interreg V-A Latvia–Lithuania Programme 2014–2020!
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29 August 2018
The Programme’s Joint Secretariat together with Latvian Financial control will organize seminar on project implementation and reporting requirements. Latvian partners of the projects approved during the 2nd call for proposals are invited to attend seminar in Riga on 13 September. Seminar will be held in Latvian; participation is free of charge.
There will be also livestream of the reporting seminar available by following this link: https://www.varam.gov.lv/lat/video_tiesraide and representatives of Latvian project partners who are not attending in person can e-mail their questions during livestream to: latlit@varam.gov.lv.
Agenda for seminar on 13 September.
To register, click here.
Seminar for Lithuanian partners will be held at the end of September. It will be announced seperately.
Last updated: 26.06.2024 15:10