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02 September 2022
On 30th of August, 2022, Klaipeda County Police Headquarters invited partners and colleagues to the final conference of the SCAPE II LLI-451 project. The project is almost over (project duration was extended until October 31st), most of the activities and purchases – finalized, therefore all partners gathered to share their experiences and overview results. Ideas and proposals from all project partners were presented as well, with strong desire to continue cooperation through the next SCAPE project and also to look for opportunities and prepare applications for new projects through Interreg and other programmes in the future. A representative of Fire and Rescue Department under the Ministry of Interior of the Republic of Lithuania also presented an overview of their Interreg projects in Klaipeda.
The following topics were presented:
„SCAPE II LLI-451 Results“
Aistė Jurkienė, chief specialist of Management Organisation Division, Klaipėda County Police Headquarters
„Palanga City Municipality Experience In Project SCAPE II”
Ingrida Borisenko, head of Communication and E-Services Division, Palanga City Municipality Administration
„Liepaja Municipal Police Experiences of SCAPE II project“
Kaspars Vārpiņš, Deputy Chief of Liepaja Municipal Police
„State Police of Latvia Kurzeme Region Department Experiences in Project SCAPE II“
Vita Vīlistere, senior inspector of the Prevention Group of the Order Police Bureau, State Police of Latvia Kurzeme Region Department
„Partners’ Ideas for Future Projects“
Deimantė Jurevičiūtė, chief specialist of Management Organisation Division, Klaipėda County Police Headquarters
„Overview of Fire Protection and Rescue Department INTERREG projects in Klaipeda“
Mindaugas Kruopys, project manager of Planing and Project Management Division, Fire and Rescue Department under the Ministry of Interior
Last updated: 26.06.2024 15:10