Bringing neighbours closer
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15 May 2019
On the 3rd of May 2019 in Rokiškis was held event “Sports Day for youth”. And in the 8th of May in Viesite Municipality was second event – Sports day for youth. In both event was participated 40 particpants from Latvia and Lithuania. Aim of the events – formation of healthy and active life style. Objective of the events – to encourage young people to play sports.
During the event in Rokiškis participants was bridging “Manour House Mile”, listening about sports history of Rokiskis, tak a part in physical activity lesson, basketball competitions 3×3, contest of three points shooting, penalties shooting, rope pulling and sports in stadium. Also they had a swimming lessons in Rokiskis swimming pool and in end of event awarding winners of contest.
During the event in Viesīte participants was take a part in demonstration of the equipment (overweight west for adult 1 unit, overweight west for children, 1 unit, parachute (training tool how to work in group and feel as you are a part of community) 1 unit, test tube (as a tool to teach about healthy food), 2 units, gym ball,10 units, game for children which promote children activity, 1 unit, 3D stand visually presenting negative effects of passive life style, 1 unit, magnetical stand for demonstration of material outdoor, 1 unit, 18 units of equimpent in total.), biulding up teams, participate in sports games and contests. In closing of event was common meal (soup) and evaluation of the day.
Last updated: 26.06.2024 15:10