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07 February 2019
On January 30, 2019, partners of the project “Improvement of Physical Capacity of Technical Base and Operational Services Specialists in the All-Safety Area of Latvia and Lithuania” met in the first working group meeting held in Siauliai to discuss the progress of project implementation and specify future action plan.
At the beginning of the meeting, project partners reported on their progress during the first project implementation period (01.07.2018 – 31.12.2018) and specified deadlines for implementation of delayed project activities. Following the meeting, partners discussed planned activities and further actions to take during the next project implementation period (01.01.2019 – 30.06.2019).
Closing the meeting, partners attended Fire and Rescue Department in Siauliai, where professional competitions of firefighters and outdoor fitness training for improvement of physical capacity are organized. It was a great opportunity for area professionals as well, to exchange experience in organizing and hosting such big international events.
During the first project implementation period, reconstruction and improvement of infrastructure of sports stadium in Jelgava has started. It is planned that reconstruction works are finished by August 2019, responsible partner – Jelgava City Council. In addition, two sports halls will have its renovation for the needs of fire and rescue service specialists in Jelgava and Šiauliai. Renovation works include cosmetic repair of the halls and purchase of modern sports equipment, including exercise equipment. Currently corresponding procurement procedure has started to implement mentioned activities. Responsible partners for – the State Fire and Rescue Service of Latvia and Fire and Rescue Department of Lithuania (former Siauliai County Fire and Rescue Board).
Currenlty project partners also work on preparation of planned professional competitions and educational events planned within the project, that aims to increase the physical capacity of professionals of operational services and promote the recognition of operational service profession among the local community.
Project objective: to improve efficiency of operational rescue services in Zemgale and Siauliai border regions trough improvement of infrastructure and strengthening capacity of its specialists to ensure cross border cooperation in emergency situations.
Project partners: Jelgava City Council (Lead partner), State Fire and Rescue Board of Latvia (PP2), Fire and Rescue Department of Lithuania (PP4) (former Siauliai County Fire and Rescue Board (PP3)).
Total budget of the project: 564 290, 38 EUR, where EUR 479 646.82 (85%) is European Regional Fund funding and EUR 84 643, 56 EUR (15%) is National co-financing source (the state budget grant and partner contribution).
Project budget for Jelgava Municipality: 258 784, 64 EUR, where EUR 219,967.25 is European Regional Fund funding and 38,817, 39 EUR (15%) is National co-financing source (the state budget grant and partner contribution).
Project implementation period: July 30, 2018 until June 30
Last updated: 26.06.2024 15:10