Bringing neighbours closer
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29 August 2018
The geographic position of the border area of Latvia and Lithuania at the EU external border imposes additional obligations on law enforcement agencies in protecting national security comparing, for example, with France or Germany, which do not have an EU external border at all. The Latvian and Lithuanian Police and the Border Guards are currently implementing an ambitious project “Creation of a synergy platform for the public security in the Latvian and Lithuanian Eastern border territories”, compiling forces, developing new methods and tactics for the fight against illegal migration. On April 24-25, 2018, Krāslava region a training with both sides involved were carried out, examining both binding legislation and analyzing the shortcomings in it, describing the types of delinquency, their changes and analyzing their trends. At the meeting, an analytical game was also launched in the discovery of complex delinquencies, where the joint border police of the Latvian and Lithuanian Police and the Border Guards played an important role.
Last updated: 26.06.2024 15:10