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20 January 2022
At the beginning of the year, the emergency medical equipment in Neringa Municipality is renewed. During the implementation of the project LLI-441 “Increasing people safety in the Baltic Sea through cross-border cooperation in the Western Lithuania and the Kurzeme (ONLY SAFE!)” A first aid kit was purchased, which will allow more efficient ambulance care. Qualified work of ambulance personnel and modern medical equipment are probably the most important factors in providing first aid in an emergency, so the purchased equipment will allow to do it more efficiently.
The purchased first aid kit includes: resuscitation bag-backpack, oxygen kit bag, doctor bag, electrocardiograph, automatic mucus fluid aspirator, vacuum limb splints for immobilization, defibrillator, blood pressure measuring device, rigid limb splints, medical limb splints. The total purchase price is almost 32 thousand. Eur. In the near future, the first aid equipment will be equipped in an ambulance and will start its mission – to provide assistance to the residents and guests of the Neringa resort.
More detailed information about implementation of this project by Neringa Municipality Administration is provided by Vilma Kavaliova, Head of the Strategic Planning, Investment and Tourism Division of the Neringa Municipality Administration (e-mail vilma.kavaliova@neringa.lt, phone +370 615 89 589).
The contents of this article are the sole responsibility of Neringa Municipality Administration and can under no circumstances be regarded as reflecting the position of the European Union.
Last updated: 26.06.2024 15:10