Bringing neighbours closer
Welcome to the Interreg V-A Latvia–Lithuania Programme 2014–2020!
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28 July 2022
The Programme is inviting you to take part in online questionnaire about potential activities which could be supported by the Interreg VI-A Latvia – Lithuania Programme 2021 – 2027 by following the link: https://forms.gle/udHNGuUrhEJAcd62A
Please express your opinion on the list of potential activities under each priority within the Interreg VI-A Latvia – Lithuania programme 2021-2027.
In the questionnaire you see directions of support already defined in the Programme document but we would appreciate to receive your opinion on prepared examples of potentially supported activities (the necessity of such activity, the accuracy of wording, etc.).
Indicative list of activities is not arranged in the order of priority and will not limit activities to be supported by the Programme. At the end of the list under each Programme priority it is possible to leave comments, in case you would have any.
It would take approximately 20-30 minutes to fill this survey and it has to be completed at once.
Thank you for participation!
Last updated: 26.06.2024 15:10