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04 May 2020
Project partner Daugavpils regional hospital organized refresher courses for the medical and administration staff.
Within the period from July 23 till August 30, 2019 project partner organized training for the hospital medical and administration staff. Eleven training cycles and practical classes were led by associate professor at Daugavpils University, Dr. psych. Vitālijs Raščevsks.
Various topical topics were covered during the training, for example: the consequences of professional burnout, how to protect yourself from burnout at work, prevention of emotional burnout, emotional intelligence, cooperation with colleagues, communication modes and styles, time management, leadership, strategic planning, problem solving, etc. During the training, various practical classes were organized to learn different methods, including stress reduction in everyday life. 233 employees of the hospital improved their professional qualification. Of particular note were cycles such as body-oriented stress therapy, which also included acquisition of practical stress reduction techniques. Emotional self-regulation – how to deal with your emotional tension without affecting other people’s psyche and how to manage your emotions. Participants were actively involved in the training cycle, asking questions, discussing and participating in practical classes.
Last updated: 26.06.2024 15:10