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17 November 2022
Managing Authority of Interreg VI-A Latvia-Lithuania Programme 2021–2027 invites all stakeholders to the online opening event of the First Call for Proposals of the of the Interreg VI-A Latvia-Lithuania Programme 2021–2027 on Monday, November 28, 2022. The event starts at 14:00.
During the event the Programme will launch its First Call for Proposals and introduce participants with the priorities of the Programme and the main requirements for the projects. The most significant achievement of the Programmes cross-border projects implemented in the programming period of 2014–2020 will also be shared.
The agenda of the event.
The event will be in English with translation in Latvian and Lithuanian available. The event will be online. We will send link for joining the event to the registered participants on the day of the event.
Please register for the event here. The registration is open until 25 November.
If you have any questions on the event, please contact Programme information managers Janis Vanags (janis.vanags@varam.gov.lv, +371 264 24272) or Inga Ringailaitė (inga.ringailaite@vilniusjts.eu, +370 659 63284).
The First call for Proposals of the Interreg VI-A Latvia-Lithuania Programme 2021–2027 will be opened from 28 November 2022 till 17:00 29 March 2023. Please see the summary information about the First Call for Proposals here.
The website of the Programme www.latlit.eu is the primary source of information for potential applicants.
Last updated: 26.06.2024 15:10