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02 October 2019
The territory (0,8 ha) revitalised in Daugavpils Fortress (territory opposite to the building at Aleksandra street 5, Daugavpils – the Bastion 4). This is one of the four brownfield territories, which were choosed for Pilot Actions in revitalisation of particular sites within the project LLI-386 “Trans-form”.
During the project territory in Bastion 4 of the Daugavpils Fortress cleaned from garbage; new soil, grass, waste bins and benches installed. New lawn created for sport and leisure activities. By attracting other financial resources outside the project (e.g. municipal budget or EU financed project) in the future Daugavpils City Council plans to install sport equipment for volleyball, streetball or football here.
Photos from Daugavpils City Council showing revitalisation works process before and after in the Bastion 4 territory within the project “Trans-form”
Līga Upeniece
Project Information Specialist,
Latvian Office of Association Euroregion “Country of Lakes”
Last updated: 26.06.2024 15:10