Rokiškis Psychiatric Hospital

Description: Rokiškis Psychiatric Hospital is the only institution in Lithuania for providing of compulsory treatment to mentally ill persons. Starting from 2007, Rokiškis Psychiatric Hospital provides compulsory treatment for all residents of Lithuania, who committed socially dangerous acts and by the Court decision were sent to the compulsory treatment. Hospital mission Application of compulsory medical measures in the special observation conditions for all Lithuanian mentally ill persons, who have committed socially dangerous or criminal acts and by the Court decision were recognized as mentally irresponsible. Hospital goal Health improving for all residents of Lithuania, reducing of the morbidity and mortality, and to qualitatively provide the health care services to persons with mental disabilities, as well as to forensic psychiatric patients and to ensure the security of themselves and society. Objectives and activities’ sphere: 1) Organization and provision of the health care services; 2) Security and observation of compulsory treated patients, as well as the analysis, control and correction of their behaviour; 3) Evaluation and forecast of the crime recidivism risk; 4) Organization of daily activities and occupations; 5) Provision of evaluation results to the Court; 6) Preparation of individual recommendations and psychosocial rehabilitation plans for patients before the discharge from the hospital; 7) Organization of the methodological, informational and consultation services to the social workers and other specialists; 8) Preparation of projects and participation in the projects of other institutions; 9) Cooperation with other institutions; 10) Preparation of specialists.
Organisation type: Public equivalent bodies
Organisation’s work area: Panevezys
Organisation’s thematic objectives: Social inclusion
Phone number: +370 458 21083
Address: Vytauto str. 47, LT-42100, Rokiškis, Lithuania