Bringing neighbours closer
Welcome to the Interreg V-A Latvia–Lithuania Programme 2014–2020!
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12 January 2018
This weekend, January 10-11, new Saldus Business School participants met at the appointed place and time to learn more about financing opportunities, business ideas and how to prepare a business plan for starting their own business!
To the participants, on January 10, was Ilze Grundmane, the head of the Kurzemes region, AS “Development Finance Institution Altum”, who told the participants about the topic “The Business Starter and the Support Available to It”. It was talked about the motivation to start their own business, the business idea as such, the difficulties that are and will be faced, the support services provided by ALTUM to young entrepreneurs and many other interesting and important things.
On the other hand, on January 11th, the participants of the meeting were the University of Latvia and Liepaja Dr. Inta Kulberga, who taught at the school about an idea, a business idea, how to get there, where to start and what is needed. It was also talked about generating ideas, about the commitments ,that must be made when starting a new business. To start your business, you need to have a clear vision and goals about what you want to achieve and do. The topic of the business plan, its compilation and development, and the need for a business plan in starting a business, were discussed.
Participants were happy to take part in discussions, discuss issues that were not clear, share opinions on what is good and what is not, how it is right and what better not to do!
For a great stay together and co-operation!
Last updated: 26.06.2024 15:10