Bringing neighbours closer
Welcome to the Interreg V-A Latvia–Lithuania Programme 2014–2020!
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14 December 2017
Yesterday, on December 13, a mentoring session was started at the Saldus Business School, organized by the “Kurzeme Business Incubator” and the association “Green and Smart Technology Cluster”, within the framework of the project BEE Lab(Boost regional Entrepreneurship by Enabling cross border cooperation), where mentors were invited, on marketing, communications, finance and manufacturing issues,so that they get to know the business ideas of our school students they want to start or develop and to help them with tips, suggestions and various solutions to get to the positive and tangible results.
Thanks to the mentors, Dzintars Hmieļevskis, Ilgvars Skrīvers, Mikus Miķelsons, Andris Kronbergs, Kristine Donga, Salvis Roga and Kārlis Strautiņš, who, unfortunately, could not attend the event, but the participants contacted him via telephone, who devoted their precious time to participate in this event. and who are ready with their advice, ideas and experience, share with our participants and help them after school, because the school’s closeness is very closee, that is, already on December 20th!
I’m glad that there really were interesting business ideas that our school participants want to start and develop. Participants’ business ideas are related to the tourism, trade, agriculture and energy sectors. There are also business ideas for offering coaching services and writing projects, combining coins that have been volunteered before. I am very pleased that there are 5 participants in the group who are already engaged in their business and want to develop and improve it. We wish the rest of our school participants to realize their dream of starting their own business. Succeed for you and all of us!
Last updated: 26.06.2024 15:10