Bringing neighbours closer
Welcome to the Interreg V-A Latvia–Lithuania Programme 2014–2020!
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The overall objective of the project was to improve public safety by improving skills for national security services and local government employees by using modern technology in their daily work. Project goal was to promote communication and cooperation between police and local governments in Lithuanian-Latvian border, also to increase the security and popularity of the region.
Klaipeda County Police Headquarters have purchased the S10 units of special large surveillance cameras used for intelligence purposes remotely from the workplace, GPU (graphics processing units) system with computer vision function (with video capture device) with data storrage system on magnetic tapes (LT08) including Apple computer with Thunderbolt 4 cable, Connection expansion adapter (Hub) required for connecting equipment, Computer case and 20 more units of LTO8 data tapes, 50 body cameras which battery life is minimum 8 hours, memory size for videos – 64 GB, recording time lasts 8 hours, the saved recording is automatically sent to the centralized server without the use of a computer, also, the charging station, and Drone with video camera. The equipment is used by Headquarter’s police officers in their daily work. Administration of Palanga City Municipality has purchased Specialized quadricycle, 8 Individual compact camcoders, the set of 10 Mobile safety cameras, Control panel and PC, Tablet PCs with Cases, a set of Traffic flow tracking system (5 cameras and monitoring system) for the Palanga city municipality. Liepaja Municipal Police during the SCAPE II project lifetime had purchased Digital ration system which ensure better communication between officers, 100 Kevlar gloves, 50 Armored vests for Liepaja Municipal Police to improve Liepaja municipal police service capacity. State Police of Latvia Kurzeme parvalde had purchased 2 Data storage servers which colect information from individual cam corders bourght in SCAPE (LLI 269) project, 20 Night vision binoculars that help police officers to follow public order during the night time, it helps to react in case of offence including the Set of technical accessories for night vision, 4 mobile video cameras with the set of technical accessories, Informative screen 24/7, High performance desktop PC with video processor, Metal stand for screens (adequate to support three screens). The purchased equipment help the officers to solve their daily tasks.
To strengthen knowledge and capacity of police officers and local staff (for each country) there were organised 2 joint training sessions for police officers and supporters on how to use and apply modern technologies was given by local and foreign professional instructors and lecturers. Exchange of the experience among different stakeholders during the joint training and conference was organized. All the joint events were very inspiring, joyful, ensuring cooperation between the partners in the future.
The Kick-off meeting took place online because of COVID19 restrictions as well as other 2 PP meetings. The partnership members had an opportunity to meet and get to know each other, share their experience during the previous SCAPE project. In 2022 May project partners attended the Final meeting in Liepāja during which the SCAPE II project was wrapped-up. Still, a strong long lasting relation has been established between the partners which inspired them to continue the cooperation in up-coming projects.
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Last updated: 26.06.2024 15:10