Bringing neighbours closer
Welcome to the Interreg V-A Latvia–Lithuania Programme 2014–2020!
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08 February 2017
Second Call for Proposals of the Programme shall be open for submission of project applications during April-May 2017. It is planned that project proposals under all specific objectives shall be expected however under several of them very few projects will be supported due to limited amount of ERDF funding.
The launch of the Call for Proposals will be announced on the Programme’s website and Facebook. Please follow the news!
Indicative total ERDF funding available for second Call for Proposals for projects is 21,8 million EUR:
Priority | Specific objective | Indicative available ERDF (MEUR) |
1.1 | To increase number of visitors to the Programme area through improving and developing cultural and natural heritage objects, services and products | 1,75 |
1.2 | To increase integration and efficiency of environmental resource management | 0,98 |
1.3 | To regenerate public areas with environmental problems | 4,88 |
2.1 | To create employment opportunities through entrepreneurship support | 0,67 |
2.2 | To increase job opportunities by improving mobility and workforce skills | 0,47 |
3.1 | To improve accessibility and efficiency of social services | 4,77 |
3.2 | To improve living conditions in deprived communities and territories | 3,05 |
4.1 | To improve efficiency of public services by strengthening capacities and cooperation between institutions | 5,23 |
Last updated: 26.06.2024 15:10