Bringing neighbours closer
Welcome to the Interreg V-A Latvia–Lithuania Programme 2014–2020!
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11 July 2019
On June 26, in the informal atmosphere and in a nice company, the second stage of the Financial Skills Cycle of the event “Coffee with Expert” was continued. Together with Financial Advisor and Business Trainer, Ilgvars Skrīvers, was recalled for what was said last time, to be productive at this time and do as much as possible.
This time we talked about what our current (financial) situation is. Practical tasks were made to understand where we are now, evaluating our finances for today. With great interest, the participants were keen to take on practical tasks to understand their current financial situation and what should be done to improve this situation. Our actions determine our financial position. If we want to change our future, we must act today!
See you at the last stage of the Financial Skills Cycle on July 3rd, where:
– we develop an individual financial strategy for the short / long term;
– let’s know how to comfortably cut costs;
– we will open opportunities for additional income.
If it’s important to you and you’re ready to join, you are welcome to the Financial Skills Club!
Last updated: 26.06.2024 15:10