Bringing neighbours closer
Welcome to the Interreg V-A Latvia–Lithuania Programme 2014–2020!
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10 August 2022
On 4 – 5 July 2022 twenty social workers from Kurzeme together with “I can work” project partners from Kretinga went on an experience exchange visit to Raseiniai (Lithuania). Together with lithuanian colleagues the social workers from Kurzeme learned how and what services people with disabilities can receive at the project partner institution – Raseiniai Employment and Services Centre for people with Disabilities.
The particiants also met with representatives both, from the Centre and the Municipality, visited the Red Cross shelter for persons exposed to social risk, as well as the branch of the Raseiniai Employment and Services Centre for people with Disabilities specialised in prividing services to persons with physical disorders, incl. long-term care services at the Centre, visited also the famous shrine of Šiluva and came together for a project working group meeting, where discussed the upcoming partners’ visits to Kurzeme.
Two exciting days, full of new impressions and knowledge The participants return home full of enthusiasm and happy of newly acquired friends at day activity centres in Kretinga and Raseiniai Now we will wait and be happy to host the lithianian colleagues in Kurzeme already in September!
Last updated: 26.06.2024 15:10