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30 October 2019
On October 24, 25 specialists of Kurzeme municipalities went for a study visit to Lithuania.
Within the project framework of LLI – 303 “Clean Brownfields”, INTERREG V–A Latvia – Lithuania Programme 2014 -2020 specialists of Kurzeme Planning Region and local municipalities of Kurzeme went for a study visit to Lithuania on October 24 and on October 25. 20 specialists visited four municipalities of Lithuania to get acquainted with a range of diverse sites proving that earlier degraded, abandoned or neglected territories and buildings can be successfully put in order and revitalized for different public and private usage.
Dreverna is an ancient fishermen’s village in the territory of Klaipeda district municipality. The village has experienced times of well –being as well times of desertion as a result of historic and economic changes. Recently due to successful cooperation between Klaipeda district municipality and the private sector Dreverna has turned into beloved place for tourism, rest and sports – activities which maintain and promote entrepeneurship. Participants of the study visit listened to the presentations about the village and the port ( see the picture above ), had a walk to see how a modern small port, comfortable cottages to stay overnight, tourism and catering places have completely changed once deserted fishermen’s village.
Šilute is a town at the Nemunas delta, the centre of Šilute district municipality in the territory of the so called “Small Lithuania”, an ethnographic region of Lithuania. Participants of the study visit got acquinted with the implementation of Šilute landscape management plan, how landscapes are formed in nature; how abandoned industrial constructions and former boilers’ houses territory are put in order. The newly rebuilt Šilute bus – stop and its territory, being a private capital investment, was shown. The participants were taken to Šiša old river territory where within the framework of another Latvia – Lithuania programme project the territory is cleaned and transformed into a comfortable area for sports and rest. The visit was continued to the project the aim of which is to create inland fishing infrastructure at Pakalne river, Rusne island, small port for yachts at Kinta, as well as to the innovative and very attractive museum owned by Nemunas delta regional park Administration.
Tauraģe is an ancient town rich in historical events located at the Jura river, town which is the centre of Tauraģe district municipality. From the previous political system the municipality has received large territories, buildings and constructions which were used or related to military purpose, located either in the town or in Tauraģe village. This is the reason why these sites were chosen to be visited as an example how to transform and revitalize similar places. For example, how a house of cultures built for militaries has been changed into a multifunctional public centre with large spaces for different needs, how a military pass office building is rebuilt into youth centre; multi – appartment buildings for families of militaries are renovated, insulated and returned into usage. And more, Tauraģe adventure park was a very interesting site and an example of successful development ( private capital investment ). Quite many of the visitors spoke of the plans to return to Tauraģe adventure park as tourists in summer.
Šiauļiai is a cultural and economic activities centre historically and nowadays, the largest among the towns and the municipalities visited. Also Šiauļiai has “inherited” a vast former military territory which requires solutions how to make the best use of it now, how to clean, rebuild and return to new life.
Šiauļiai industrial park and the free economic zone seemed to be the most impressive place where the infrastructure prepared to support needs of business development is truly a significant durable contribution to Šiauļiai development.
To conclude the study visit specialists of municipalities got acquainted with the exceptionally well equipped Povilas Višinskas public library, Šiauļiai Sports Gymnasium, and finally historic sweets production unit which is a private capital investment.
Last updated: 26.06.2024 15:10