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31 August 2017
Forty librarians from Utena A. and M. Miškiniai and Zarasai District Municipality public libraries participated in the study trip to Daugavpils and Preiļi libraries in Latvia on August 29-30. The study trip was arranged implementing the project „Creation of Network of Family Digital Activity Hubs for Wellbeing and Education Support in Eastern Aukštaitja and Southern Latgale“ which was supported by Interreg V-A Latvia-Lithuania Programme 2014-2020.
Lithuanian librarians have been acquainted with the achievements of Latvian libraries, services for adults and children, experience of modernization of information dissemination on historical and cultural heritage. Similar visit of Latvian librarians to Utena and Zarasai is planned at the end of September.
Last updated: 26.06.2024 15:10