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22 May 2019
Implementing INTERREG V-A LATVIA – LITHUANIA PROGRAMS 2014–2020 project “Development of public services for cultural heritage preservation, DEVHERI, No: LLI-350” restorers of the Open Air Museum of Lithuania together with their colleagues from Kuldiga Restoration Center (Latvia) deepen the knowledge of wood mastery during Study visit to England!
During the study visit to Great Britain the partners shall be introduced with the cultural heritage preservation in Great Britain, the world leading country in this field. Some of the organisations have been established in 19 century and have more than 100 years experience in the field therefore serving excellent examples in management of the cultural heritage. So partners will get to know also with high quality public services of preservation of historical houses through the centuries.
The main idea of this study is to get experience in public services delivery on both issues: practical and theoretical fields. The specialists of Latvia and Lithuania will gain experience from more qualified specialists in Great Britain as well as they also will see the examples of good practices which they will try to adapt in Latvian and Lithuanian areas. Result of the visit will be strengthened capacity of two institutions working in field of the preservation of cultural heritage in Lithuania and Latvia.
During the visit partners already visited the Weald & Downland Living Museum in Singleton, Chichester, where they were introduced to the restoration works, exhibit depository and museum activities. This museum with his structure and sets is very similar with Open Air Museum of Lithuania and is common with Kuldiga Restoration Center (Latvia) works with wooden architecture restoration and preservation. During the visit partners gain historical, practical and theoretical knowledge of preservation of historical houses, management of the cultural heritage and change the examples of good practice.
Justina Jakštaitė Manager of cultural projects
Pictures by Raimonda Žukauskaitė
20 May 2019
Date(s) - 20. May - 24. May
All Day
5 participants from Latvia and 5 participants from Lithuania will participate at the study visit to England and Scotland. Aim of the visit is to introduce with experience on the public services availability and organisation in field of cultural heritage preservation in England and Scotland.
During five days participants will introduce with UNESCO site management in Bath and Edinburgh, meet with specialists from The Society for the Protection of Ancient Buildings in London, have visit at Adult Learning Department at Weald & Downland Living Museum and other institutions.
Great Britain currently is the world leading country in field of the cultural heritage preservation. The public services in this field have been delegated to different NGO-s. Some of the organisations have been established in 19 century and have more than 100 years experience in the field therefore serving excellent examples in management of the cultural heritage. During the study visit to Great Britain the partners shall also be introduced with high quality public services of preservation of historical houses through the centuries.
The main idea is to get experience in public services delivery on both issues: practical and theoretical fields. The specialists of Latvia and Lithuania will gain experience from more qualified specialists in Great Britain as well as they also will see the examples of good practices which they will try to adapt in Latvian and Lithuanian areas. Result of the visit will be strengthened capacity of two institutions working in field of the preservation of cultural heritage in Lithuania and Latvia.