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19 October 2018
From October 8 till October 12 representatives of Kurzeme municipalities and Kurzeme Planning Region together with representatives from Lithuanian municipalities and Kaunas Regional Development Agency went for a study visit to Poland and Germany to get acquainted with their experience about brownfield regeneration.
Apart from investments in infrastructure, innovative, creative and well-calculated management tools are necessary to create sustainable territories and objects useful for public needs and business development. Experience how wide variety of ideas are implemented in these European countries will serve as excellent driving force for the municipal representatives from Aizpute, Alsunga, Durbe, Kuldīga, Nīca, Pāvilosta, Priekule, Saldus, Skrunda, Talsi un Ventspils counties, Liepaja City and their Lithuanian colleagues to apply more effective approach to planning and practical regeneration of brownfield territories.
In Poland the group visited former military barracks in Ostroda which in the process of renovation are being turned into a new city centre., and the former railway station renovated into youth and social centres.
“Mills of Knowledge” in Torun – after comprehensive renovation former grain silos and mills buildings and territory are used for a variety of social and business support activities.
In Germany the group visited Lusatian Lake District ( Lausitzer Seenland ) a former lignite opencast mines territory which after careful research and planning work is in the process of being transformed into a largest artificial lake district in Europe with wide offer of recreational, sports and other acivities.
In Berlin the group visited the former Tempelhof Airport where replying to community initiative a large territory is maintained for recreational activities and nature preservation in the city centre. Bearing in mind business activities are among most preferable development directions at brownfield territories, Embassy of Latvia in Germany was visited and a vivid conversation about how to support business took place.
The study visit provided information on development directions, cooperation and funding models to regenerate brownfiels territories and objects, knowledge of great practical applicability at Kurzeme and Lithuanian municipalities.
More information about the project www.kurzemesregions.lv
08 October 2018