Bringing neighbours closer
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21 December 2018
This summer the Programme carried out survey asking partners of on-going projects to evaluate performance of Joint Secretariat (JS) and its staff. 120 project partners took part in the survey: 55 from 1st call and 73 from 2nd call projects. In total 20 questions were answered.
Results of the survey are very positive: 88,4% of respondents rate the level of cooperation with JS as excellent or good. Almost 96% agree that consultations provided by JS give full answers to their questions.
Competence and support provided by JS are also highly rated: 86,7% rated project manager competence as excellent or good and 85% value project manager support as excellent or good.
High satisfactory rates were also given for seminars organized by the JS: 93% of project partners agree or strongly agree that seminars delivered the information they expected to receive. Almost 89% agree or strongly agree that information provided during the seminars was sufficient for the successful implementation of the project.
The survey also helped to identify some new ideas of the project partners for future information events. All the remarks are analysed and taken into consideration by our team. We would like to thank the participants of the survey for allowing us to improve our work and be of more help to the project partners in ensuring smooth implementation of the projects.
Last updated: 26.06.2024 15:10