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27 July 2019
From July 24 to 26, a three-day training course on sustainable spatial and urban planning was held in Visaginas (Lithuania) in frame of the project LLI-386 Trans-form.
Živile Šimmkute, co-founder of architecture and urbanism company MASH studio, specializing in sustainable spatial and urban planning, shared her experience with participants, as well as Martynas Marozas company mMMAP expert, which specializes in planning and development processes, Dalia Bardauskiene, Architectural and Spatial Planning Advisor to the Vilnius city chairman, Donatas Baltrušaitis and Agne Dailidaite, representatives of Bauland, who specialize in strategic urban planning processes and methods.
Specialists from Latvia and Lithuania had the opportunity to deepen their knowledge of strategic urban planning, as well as to learn about a new tool for urban planning and public consultation – a simulation board game. The experience of the city of Visaginas in revitalizing brownfields was also introduced.
Līga Upeniece,
Project Information Manager
Euroregion Country of Lakes
Last updated: 26.06.2024 15:10