Bringing neighbours closer
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23 March 2020
All four project’s SCAPE LLI-269 partners (Administration of Palanga’s City Municipality , Klaipėda County Police Hearquarters, Liepaja Municipal Police and Latvian State Police Kurzeme region department) finaly purchased environmentally friendly vehicles. One of the main project results – to strengthen technical capacity of the institutions using ecologically clean vehicles : 9 bicyckles 8, tricycles 6, electric bicycles 8, electric car and electric minivan – is acieved.
Strengthening civil security institutions’ staff capacity through organising joint trainings – another aim of SCAPE project, had to be finished in March, 2020. Unfortunately, due the announced quarantine, the last training “The civil security institutions staffs’ training to work with inventory” that was going to take place in Liepaja, is canceled. Still, the staff of Partner Institutions hope to have the training after the quarantine.
Last updated: 26.06.2024 15:10