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27 November 2021
The coziness of the urban environment in Kraslava and Dusetos will be improved by recycling glass, wood, scrap metal, plastic and textile.
There is more and more talk in the world about using and extracting different types of resources. Consumption of resources has become so excessive that the situation is becoming problematic. It is important to talk to the widest possible audience about limiting the consumption of resources daily. Countless tons of resources end up in waste containers every day. These wastes include clothing, glass, plastic, paper and many other things that a person may find unnecessary at the time. However, not all waste is as unusable as it seems at first glance.
The project “PRACTICAL ARTS”, which aims to strengthen the municipalities of Kraslava and Dusetos, as well as to address their re-use problems, is going to create a variety of environmental facilities using different types of materials, most often in landfills, to improve the well-being of both stakeholders.
One of the largest events of the “Practical arts” is crafting trainings for various materials “Second Life”, in which local people are also invited to participate. Within the framework of the project, using various things, materials, remains of industrial raw materials, discarded items, or objects that have lost their functionality environmental objects and decorations for the improvement of the urban environment will be created under the guidance of Krāslava artists. With the voluntary involvement of local people, the necessary materials for creative workshops and environmental objects are collected (used clothes, glass, old chairs and doors, boards and other timber, scrap metal, plastic bags).
In the two cities involved in the project, Dusetos and Kraslava, abandoned-looking houses will be repainted, public spaces will be improved, and Christmas decorations will be created. It is planned to organize seminars and educational events on the use of existing resources and their re-use.
Project LLI-489 “Strengthening the communities of Dusetos and Krāslava by improving the living environment through re-use activities” or “PRACTICAL ARTS”, co-financed by the European Union Interreg V-A Latvia-Lithuania Cross-border Cooperation Program 2014-2020. implemented by the non-governmental organization “Sprendimų centras” and the association Euroregion “Ezeru zeme”. The aim of the project is to strengthen both municipalities and address their re-use issues.
Inga Pudnika-Skerškāne
Last updated: 26.06.2024 15:10