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19 September 2018
The first seminar from the series of five LLI – 303 “Clean Brownfields’ project seminars has been successfully completed on September 5, Saldus.
Summary and analysis of national legislation, a range of theoretical approaches as well practical good practice examples on how to regenerate brownfield territories were offered to municipal specialists from Kurzeme Planning Region.
All the lecturers invited representatives from the municipalities to address brownfield territories from a wide range of aspects, to see the resource of the brownfields. The lecturers did not avoid controversial and challenging sides of the subject.
Taking into account there is no single definition and solution for the degraded territories neither in legislation, nor planning, nor methodological approach, nor funding sources, the contents of the seminar was useful and exciting for both – the audience and the lecturers.
Sarmīte Ozoliņa, manager of the project “Clean Brownfields” told about the results and gains from the cross- border project activities, offered a list of reasons why the degraded territories have to be regenerated, marked kinds of degraded territories, legal and other difficulties to revitalize these territories, potential gains. She especially invited not to miss financial sources available for this aim.
Raivis Bremšmits, director of regional policy department, Ministry of Regional Development and Envirinmental Protection, informed about the wide range of projects completed, impact to the economy, moreover, about the future plans to revive these territories to promote entrepeneurship, about potential funding support from the next programming period.
Sniedze Sproģe – counsellor regarding rural development issues, Association of Local Goverments of Latvia ( ALGL ), and Sandra Bērziņa, counsellor regarding environment protection issues, ALGL, spoke about sharing of responsibility betwen the state and municipalities, tasks for the municipalities proceeding from the Law on Land Management and Law on Environmental Pollution, They presented also best practice examples from Latvia and abroad.
Inga Grīnfelde – researher of wood and water resource scientific laboratory, University of Agriculture brought to the audience news about just started work – innovative approach – management strategy and prioritization tool to be applied at polluted and contaminated sites.
Taking into account this was the first of the planned seminars most essential topics for the forthcoming seminars were discussed and agreed with the municipal specialists.
The seminar was concluded by a practical site visit to Saldus Children and Youth Centre part of which is developed instead of a once degraded territory and buildings. Another “field work” was to visit Old Saldus – the historical centre, to get acquainted with the ideas about its revival, to be quests to the ancient Kapellers’ house, which may serve as an example how an old building while “on waiting list” to be renovated is leading an active social and cultural life thanks to cooperation among Saldus municipality and local NGO’s.
Last updated: 26.06.2024 15:10