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29 January 2024
The main output of the project was to increase in expected number of visits to supported sites of cultural and natural heritage and attractions. Rechieved results:
– Number of visits to supported Struve sites (Struve park in Jekabpils, Struve geodetic arc point in Daborkalns, Zemgale, outdoor exposition and Struve meridian arc point located in the village of Storiai, Anykščių during the tourism campaign – 604 visitors. Taking into account that the tourism campaign before project changes was planned for 6 months (1000 visitors), but after 2 months, the amount of visitors is considered a positive result. The goal has been achieved.
Overall during the project – 3115 visitors (official data obtained from tourism information centrers, official events). Struve Geodetic arc station points in Jekabpils County (Jakobstadt, Daborkalns) were officially opened in the end of 2021, but Storiai station point – 21th of June 2023.
During the COVID-19 restrictions people were more active by visiting nature objects in fresh air, where was no limitations. It may be supposed that amount of the Struve Geodetic arc stations in Jekabpils County visitors could be (from the moment of opening) two times more ~ 6 000.
Characteristics of the tourist of Struve geodetic arc (foreign, local and cross border) is – eager to learn and explore the history of science, try out adventure and are ready to explore unknown sites. Through interactive and attractive tourism objects, the target group has been interested in the geodesic circle of Struve, gained knowledge and understanding of this unique feature. As a result of the project, a new attractive tourism offer has been prepared, which is unique and can be developed in the future.
Last updated: 26.06.2024 15:10