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09 September 2020
On 7 September 2020 the European Commission approved changes of the Latvia-Lithuania Programme document. Due to existing demand, over 2,5 mln. EUR were reallocated for the cross-border cooperation projects contributing to the sustainable and clean environment (priority No. 1 of the Programme) from funds for improvement of the efficiency of the public services (priority No. 4).
This reallocation will speed up availability of funding which is expected by project partners of tourism and environmental projects of the 3rd Call for Proposals put in the reserve list because they are of good quality but underfunded. Part of lead partners from reserve list projects shortly may expect decision from Programme bodies to grant funding. Approval of projects from reserve list will be ensured based on scoring received in assessment process and based on availability of funds in the Programme.
In addition, the target values of the Programme indicators were revised, and technical changes on the management and control arrangements of the Programme were introduced.
On 26 February the Programme Monitoring Committee approved 36 projects for funding after implementation of the funding conditions and six more projects were selected for reserve list. Thus, all Programme funding remaining out of total 66,3 mln. EUR available for projects was committed by the 3rd call for the proposals.
Last updated: 26.06.2024 15:10