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10 June 2019
To harmonize Programme requirements to the projects under the 2nd and 3rd calls of the project proposals the Programme Manual for the 1st Call for Proposals was updated and its Version 6.0 was approved. Starting form 7 of June, 2019 it is applicable to all projects that were approved under the 1st Call of the Programme (project numbers form LLI-001 to LLI-249).
Due to the implemented changes some of the programme requirements will become more simple, and granting of additional rights to Joint Secretariat (JS) and Management Authority (MA) will allow quicker approval of the project changes and project progress reports. Version 6.0 of the Programme Manual for the 1st Call for Proposals can be found on the programme website. For the convenience of the readers the updated parts are marked in yellow.
The main changes of the Programme Manual that are important for the project under implementation:
Please note, that the Programme Manual for the 1st call of the project proposals is not identical to the manuals to other calls of the Programme, thus project managers should be careful if they are referring to the programme manual which is applicable to their project.
All versions of the programme Manuals can be found on programme website by following this link.
Last updated: 26.06.2024 15:10