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Welcome to the Interreg V-A Latvia–Lithuania Programme 2014–2020!
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05 June 2019
Programme Manual for the 2nd Call for Proposals was updated and its Version 4.0 was approved on 27 May 2019. Starting from this date it is applicable to all projects that were approved under the 2nd Call of the Programme.
Changes in the Programme Manual were done to clarify and/or simplify some of the requirements and make project management more effective, to respond to recommendations of the audit, and to harmonize requirements with the ones that will be applicable to the projects that will be approved under 3rd Call for Proposals. The main changes of the Programme Manual that should be taken into account by the project managers are:
Some other changes will make procedures of the approval of the project changes quicker:
Please learn about the changes in the updated version of the Manual which can be downloaded from the website of the Programme. For the convenience of the readers the updated parts are marked in yellow.
Last updated: 26.06.2024 15:10