Bringing neighbours closer
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23 November 2017
After Nereta municipality made the first big step in the implementation of the Project LLI-136 “Improvement of Living Conditions in Deprived Teritories by Creating Sustainable, Active and Healthy Communities” (Gyvenimo kokybės nugyventose teritorijose gerinimas, kuriant tvarias, aktyvias ir sveikas bendruomenes) in June, 2017, Biržai district municipality administration made the second one – new skate park is arranged in Vėjo street, Biržai town.
The result appeared shortly: skate park is full of kids and youngsters of all ages. „We are happy and proud – long awaited dream of our young people finally became true. Popularity of newly elaborated skate park is the best proof that project moves the right direction“, – says Mayor Valdemaras Valkiunas.
To make skate park more accessible and safe, municipality will arrange new path and informative board.
The third phase of the project – training/practical activities and sports festivals. Training events will seek to forge a closer link between the communities, motivate and encourage the social involvement of the residents, emphasize physical activity benefits for human health, the impact of surrounding environment on human psychological comfort, prevention lectures for the youth.
Project value – 199 725,24 Eur. Biržai share – 122 193,11 Eur (103 864,14 ERDF and 18 328,97 Eur municipality budget).
The overall objective of cross border cooperation between Lithuania and Latvia is to achieve an even Lithuanian – Latvian border regional development in the social, economic and cultural fields, to enhance, stimulate and support the municipalities and communities across the border, as well as to improve the partnership between the two countries.
Last updated: 26.06.2024 15:10