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24 August 2020
A round-table discussion on adaptation of Gargzdai quarry area took place on August 20, 2020.
Round-table discussion in Klaipeda District Municipality
A round-table discussion „Adaptation of Gargzdai quarry area“ took place on August 20, 2020 in Infinity Water Park (Dovilai, Klaipeda District Municipality). This discussion was organized in the frame of Interreg V-A Latvia-Lithuania Programme 2014-2020 project „Living in clean environment – for better future!” (LLI-303 “Clean Brownfields”).
Elena Talockaite, project manager from Kaunas Regional Development Agency presented “Clean Brownfields” project. Director of JSC “Grota” Antanas Marcinonis presented results of ecogeological reseach of the area. Tomas Martinaitis, vice mayor of Akmene district municipality shared experience with adaptation of the quarry area in Akmene. Good example of public and private sectors cooperation in Gargzdai quarry area was presented by Aurimas Šacauskas, the owner of Infinity Water Park.
After interesting and fruitful discussion about potential use of Gargzdai quarry area, participants of the round-table discussion participated in the walking tour along Dovilai quarry.
Gargzdai quarry area is a 265 ha large former gravel pit area with numerous water ponds, located near Gargzdai, Klaipeda district. It is a territory with significant recreational and tourism potential. The territory near Dovilai is the most suitable for swimming activities and water attractions.
Within “Clean Brownfields” project frame-work the eco-geological survey of 150 ha territory was carried out.
Last updated: 26.06.2024 15:10