Bringing neighbours closer
Welcome to the Interreg V-A Latvia–Lithuania Programme 2014–2020!
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20 January 2019
Before implementing the project “Ignalina and Daugavpils against Poverty and Social Exclusion” The Virgin Mary parish in Ignalina had an unused premises of 158 sq. meters. In these premises, it was planned to equip the youth day center with project funds. The purpose of this youth center is to give young people the opportunity to reduce social exclusion by self-expression, cooperation and other creative activities.
The following works were planned to implement this project:
– Roof repair;
– New windows;
– New doors;
– Electrical system repair;
– Heating system repair;
– Repair of water supply system;
– Floor renovation;
– Border restructuring;
The budget for youth center repairment and equipment cofunded by European Regional Development Fund is 50 624 Eur.
We would like to welcome the fact that all planned repairs have already been completed and the building is fully repaired.
Here is a reminder of how the building looked like before the repair and how it looks now.
Before the renovation:
After the renovation:
Last updated: 26.06.2024 15:10