Bringing neighbours closer
Welcome to the Interreg V-A Latvia–Lithuania Programme 2014–2020!
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11 July 2019
On July 3rd, during the event “Coffee with Expert”, together with business coach and financial adviser Ilgvars Skrīvers, the participants met in the third stage of the Financial Skills Cycle. At this time, we talked about how to cut our spending and how to earn extra, as well as how to set up our financial plan to be able to secure financial prosperity.
People would be happy to change, but we are influenced by an environment where we are (50%), our actions (40%) and only 10% knowledge. It is important to understand our present value, start thinking about what should be done and most importantly – set aims and follow them. It is important to understand how ready we are to invest time and money in our growth to change our current situation and seek for the best.
Each individual financial plan was created, the current financial situation and opportunities were assessed, the first steps for further development were taken. Properly planning our finances, it means being open to yourself, evaluating our needs and prioritizing, as well as being able to give up unnecessary expenses. In addition to earning money, it is now unlimited, only vision and main thinking need to be changed.
How to change financial thinking, how to evaluate the types of investment and savings, where to invest, how to assess the risks – the participants of the event will look for answers together with the financial advisor in the next financial literacy training. Where and when to do it – write to evita@greentechlatvia.eu and we will answer you!
Let’s plan our finances and strive for financial security and prosperity! See you at one of our next seminars!
Last updated: 26.06.2024 15:10