Bringing neighbours closer
Welcome to the Interreg V-A Latvia–Lithuania Programme 2014–2020!
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04 December 2018
In the past two weeks, in November, to our school participants the training was smooth, as well as preparation for a Mentoring session was held.
With the experience story, on November 21, Andris Kronbergs, owner of “Conak Steell” Ltd., shared his story about how he started business, what has happened, what difficulties have faced, and also he shared his plans for the future.
On November 22, Sandra Fridrihsone, Executive Director of the Saldus District Development Society, visited the participants. She told the participant what is available from the LEADER project and, what is needed to qualify for this project. The participants also talked about how to better sell and present their business ideas to others, to sell them more successfully, and to develop a positive solution to the development and implementation of their business idea.
On November 28, participants were preparing for the Mentoring session. Questionnaires were filled in to make it clear what a mentor would be needed and in what area would need help from the mentor, and participants also were interviewed, that to better understand the business idea, what they still needed to realize and what difficulties or problems they will have to or will face time to realize their business dream.
On the other hand, on November 29th, the participants were visiting Ilgvars Skrīvers, who helped the participants to put together all the points for further development of their business idea. The main thing, what the participants felt at the end of the lesson is that,that the school has given them inspiration and motivation to take action, have gained a lot of useful information, have got confidence about themselves. It is important to arrange the values and to change immediately in order to achieve something.
This weekend, on December 5th, participants will have a Mentoring session in which they will present their business idea to the mentors and agree on further cooperation with mentors.
Good luck!
Last updated: 26.06.2024 15:10