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25 May 2018
On 18 May 2018, 4 working places (workstations) of the Engine room Diesel-Electric (MAN L51/60DF) LNG Carrier Ship Model simulator were fully installed in Liepaja Marine College.
From 21 May till 25 May, joint group of Liepaja Marine College and Lithuanian Maritime Academ
y personnel attended training courses on application and use of the newly installed simulator. Training course participants had the opportunity to acquire theoretical knowledge and practical (hands-on) experience on working with the Engine room simulator. The gained knowledge will be further used to train and assess the competence of ship engineering students and working engine department personnel, including officers in charge of an engineering watch, second and chief engineers and ratings forming part of engineering watch.
Engine room simulator allows for contemporary training on such essential topics as engine room equipment familiarization, system layout and flow diagrams, control system and automation, alarm and safety system, watch-keeping and troubleshooting, emission control and fuel economy management, energy management, emergency operations and vessel resource management.
Last updated: 26.06.2024 15:10