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05 October 2019
In the frame of the Project “Joint and interdisciplinary long-life learning training for professionals working with neurosensorimotor disorders (Interprof)” were organised Montessori therapy training sessions for professionals working with neurosensorimotor disorders from Latvia (18th June) and Lithuania (27-28th September). The training program aim was to provide insights into the history of Montessori pedagogy, the development of the concept of the Montessori treatment today, the neuropsychological rationale for Montessori therapy, the teaching materials of Montessori pedagogy and their therapeutic use. The guidelines for the organization of classes were gained, as well as the understanding of the use and adaptation of the Montessori didactic materials in the correction of neurological disturbances. As a result of the module’s acquisition, the professional competence of the listeners in the rehabilitation of neurological disorders was improved, there is an understanding of the Montessori therapy and its use in the rehabilitation process.
Last updated: 26.06.2024 15:10