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12 March 2018
On 7-8th of March, the Palanga Resort Museum hosted training “Commercial Heritage Use” for the project “Palanga. Pavilosta: Maritime inspired history “No. LLI-173 . The first day of the training was led by lecturer dr. Eduard Spiroyev. He presented the concept of cultural tourism in the narrow and broad sense and the main trends of cultural tourism. The lecturer provided examples of different cultural tourism routes, explained how cultural tourism affects the territory and the region. Lecturer Laurence Budrytė-Ausiejienė was speaking about traditional heritage, heritage industry and heritage interpretation. The lecturer responded to the questions of using sustainable and commercial heritage: how to increase their audience, how to maintain exsisting consumers and how to create interpretive messages. The training participants had interesting practical tasks, during which they could experience how each one hear, read and understand the same information. Lecturee dr. Donatas Jonikas was speaking about how much tourism was important in the way not to be limited to standards, he presented many examples of how to advertise a message, to liven up a client, to use the virtual world, to look for partners. On the second day – there were outbound trainings at the Samogitian Art Museum, Žemaitė Memorial and Cold War Museums with Dr. Renatas Morkvėnas, who, together with the participants of the training, conducted a museum case analysis, discussed the advantages and disadvantages. Participants of the trainings Palanga and Pavilosta (Latvia) cultural workers and representatives of the municipality.
Last updated: 26.06.2024 15:10