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Welcome to the Interreg V-A Latvia–Lithuania Programme 2014–2020!
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15 June 2017
Ever wondered how “administrative and eligibility checklist” is in Latvian? Thanks to the new update on Interact’s online Translation Glossary now you can check that it’s “administratīvā un attiecināmības pārbaude”.
In addition to the interactive online tool, you can also find the latest merged file with all available definitions and translations in the Library.
With this update, the number of available EU languages in the tool reaches 19. There will be one more and final update which will include also Lithuanian.
Translation glossary addresses the language and terminology challenges by bringing together the terms most frequently used in everyday management of Interreg programmes, defining what they mean in Interreg context and providing translations into a variety of European languages.
National Authority of Latvia actively helped with the translations into the new set of languages.
Last updated: 26.06.2024 15:10