Bringing neighbours closer
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12 December 2018
Thanks to Latvia – Lithuania programme support two brownfield territories have been put in order in Kurzeme.
Thanks to Latvia – Lithuania programme support Ruba, a village in Saldus county, has acquired a new tidy and orderly feature in its appearance – a former multi – appartment dwelling building has been pulled down. The dangerous derelict building was situated in the very village centre on the plot of land owned by the local municipality. Now instead of the derelict building a new territory for culture and free-time activities for local people will be developed in future.
From July till September, 2018, project partner – Saldus County Municipality – organized work – pulling down of the building, cleaning and putting in order the empty territory. It was carried out within the frame – work of the project “Life in Clean Environment – a Better Future !”, run by the Lead partner – Kurzeme Planning Region.
The dwelling building had stood empty for a long time, moreover, with years the wall were collapsing, interstages constructions had fallen in, roof broken, it was dangerous for the inhabitants and the environment. It was expensive and practically impossible to mark off or to fence the building to be sure people and animals did not enter the building. Territory of the building was also dangerous from the point of view of contamination because of the building materials once used, for example, asbestos sheets for the roof covering, which in the process of decomposition may emit hazardous for people and environment substances.
Now a new place for new possibilities is created.
In autumn, 2018, a new large territory to develop entrepeneurship was created by the railway – line in Skrunda.
Not so long ago, in spring the territory was covered with overgrown bushes and building waste. To clean and put in order the territory, project partner – Skrunda County Municipality also joined Latvia – Lithuania programme project “Life in Clean Environment – a Better Future !
The contract with the building company was signed in September and already in November the work was finished and accepted. The territory has been cleaned from bushes and building waste, the land surface has been planed. Land drainage system is put in order so that excessive water is taken away from the territory.
The new large territory opens a perfect possibility for the entrepeneurs and investors in such an advantageous location. Total area of the territory is more 11 ha, with access to the high power electricity line, gas pipe – line and national significance railway – line, as well as Riga – Liepaja highway and port at the Baltic Sea.
Last updated: 26.06.2024 15:10