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14 September 2017
On 19-20 October 2017 in Lithuania, at the Plateliai Culture Center, UniGreen organises the Conference “Accessible Nature Tourism”.
The Conference is devoted to issues related to facilitating the access to nature tourism with a purpose to initiate a discussion and pay attention to challenges of the tourism sector in adapting the nature tourism infrastructure, products and services to people with disabilities.
On the first conference day, both Latvian and Lithuanian, as well as international experts will give presentations on visitor-friendly and barrier-free service environments, universal design principles, statistics on the travelling activities of people with disabilities, official requirements and regulations, as well as share experience on best practices.
On the second day, an on-site visit at Žemaitija National Park has been foreseen to visit the Plateliai viewing platform and Šeirės walking trail. Both nature objects have been adjusted also to be used by people with disabilities.
The Conference Programme is available here.
To get additional information on the Conference, please contact the UniGreen Project Leader Alise Lūse (e-mail: alise.luse@kurzemesregions.lv, tel. 26567874).
The Conference is organised under the INTERREG Latvia-Lithuania Programme Project No. LLI-010 “Introducing Nature Tourism for All (UniGreen)”.
Last updated: 26.06.2024 15:10