Bringing neighbours closer
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13 February 2020
Zagare Cherry Garden has already been cleaned and renovated during the implementation of the ENGRAVE project. Works started in the beginning of summer 2019. First, the area was cleared, rubbish from underground was collected, the road to the Cherry Garden and the car park were renovated and the Cherry Garden paths were restored. 1000 different trees were planted in autumn: 900 cherries, also pines, mountain pines, oaks, willows, hawthorn, Cornus mas, Cornus alba, as well as traditional flowering meadows of wild flowers (daisy, forget-me-not, poppy, cornflower, etc.), traditional flowering meadows of wild flowers (daisy, forget-me-not, poppy, cornflower, etc.). After the implementation of this project, tourists and visitors will have the possibility to access Zagare cherries, admire and taste them. Visitors can admire the restored Cherry Garden even now – not only the renewed garden paths and its territory, but also the blooming cherries.
Last updated: 26.06.2024 15:10