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13 February 2020
The leading partner of the project, Zemgale Planning Region, has produced a detailed informative video that tells about the goals, tasks and accomplishments of the project. In particular, there have been developed a regional landscape and green infrastructure plan for Zemgale region, a recovery plan for Svēte River, Bauska municipality thematic plan for river landscape development and a thematic plan for green infrastructure conservation, landscape design and development along the rivers of Apašča and Agluona in the city of Biržai. The video also introduces its viewers to practical green infrastructure preservation and development activities in Rundale, Bauska and Jelgava counties, Biržai city and district, as well as in Žagare Regional Park. In the Zemgale Planning Region Youtube.com channel you can watch the video in Latvian, Lithuanian and English languages. Watch it here: ej.uz/ENGRAVEvideo
Last updated: 26.06.2024 15:10