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  • Bringing neighbours closer

    Bringing neighbours closer

    Welcome to the Interreg V-A Latvia–Lithuania Programme 2014–2020!

    About the programme
  • Bringing neighbours closer

    Bringing neighbours closer

    Welcome to the Interreg V-A Latvia–Lithuania Programme 2014–2020!

  • Bringing neighbours closer

    Bringing neighbours closer

    Welcome to the Interreg V-A Latvia–Lithuania Programme 2014–2020!

LLI-228 Family Valley

Kretinga district municipality administration and Ilukste municipality combines knowledge and experience to improve living conditions for deprived communities in the regions.

The main objective of the project is to reduce the social division between deprived communities and other communities by establishing family valleys in Ilūkste (LV) and Kretinga (LT).

Family valley in the most general sense is identified as a place where anyone of any gender, race, nationality, age or social class citizen can enjoy the co-existence with other people, to represent the collective and common interest. Project grounded theory – to develop social, psychological and physical links to help motivate the personality involved in the community in the active processes.

Exchange activities between partners will be implemented by organizing summer camp in Kretinga and winter camp in Ilukste.

Planned space for children playground in Kretinga

Later activities will be followed and complemented with meetings with psychologists and educational activities as well as investments (skating rink in Ilukste, field drainage, children playground and outdoor movie equipment in Kretinga). Ilukste municipality purchase ice skates and Kretinga municipality will additionally equip family valley will small architecture (benches, trash bins and bins for dog excrement).


Social media and contacts:
Phone: +37044543783
Address: Savanoriu street 29A, Kretinga, LT97111

25 January 2018

Šeimos diskutuoja apie vaiko ir informacinių technologijų santykį


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27 November 2017

Rengiamas susitikimas su psichologu Kretingoje

Paskaita „Kodėl jie mūsų neklauso“ skirta išskirtinai suaugusiems, kurie susiduria su vaikų auklėjimu. Paskaitos metu iškeliama problema, kodėl jie nuolat mūsų neklauso.

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21 November 2017

Ilūkstes novada pārstāvji devās pieredzes apmaiņā uz Kretingu

Ilūkstes novada pārstāvji devās pieredzes apmaiņā uz Kretingu

Šī gada 19.oktobrī Kretingā norisinājās projekta Nr. LLI-228 “Family Valley” jeb “Ģimenes ieleja” vadības grupas sanāksme, kurā tika apspriesta projekta norises gaita, kā arī iespējamie riski pr ojekta rezultātu sasniegšanai.

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25 October 2017

Projekto „Šeimos slėnis“ partnerių susitikimas Kretingoje

Spalio 19 dieną Kretingos rajono savivaldybėje įvyko projekto „Šeimos slėnis“ partnerių susitikimas. Susitikimo dalyviai aptarė jau įgyvendintas projekto veiklas ir vykdytus renginius, artimiausias veiklas. Susitikimo metu buvo nagrinėjami ir įvairūs kiti su projekto įgyvendinimu susiję klausimai: reikalinga pagalba, vidinės komunikacijos aspektai, projekto sklaidos strategija, galimos rizikos.

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25 October 2017

Vyko konferencija „Šeimų greitkelis“

Spalio 16 dieną Kretingos rajono kultūros centre vyko konferencija „Šeimų greitkelis“, kurios metu susirinkusios Kretingos šeimos turėjo galimybę tobulinti savo šeimos santykius ir gilintis vaikų auklėjimo srityje.

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3 October 2017

Kretingā norisinājās vasaras nometne ģimenēm

Šī gada 19.augustā Lietuvas pilsētā Kretingā norisinājās vasaras nometne ģimenēm. Tajā piedalījās ģimenes no Kretingas un tās apkārtnes, kā arī 20 cilvēku delegācija no Ilūkstes novada.

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23 August 2017

Kretingoje vyko šventė šeimoms

Praėjusį šeštadienį Kretingos rajono kultūros centre vyko šventė šeimai „Pramogų pieva“. Tai Kretingos rajono savivaldybės administracijos, Motiejaus Valančiaus viešosios bibliotekos ir Kretingos rajono jaunimo nevyriausybinių organizacijų asociacijos „Apskritasis stalas“, sutelkusių savo jėgas bendram tikslui, organizuotas renginys.

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9 August 2017


Ilūkstes novada pašvaldība kopā ar projekta partnerino Lietuvas – Kretingas
pašvaldību Latvijas – Lietuvas pārrobežu sadarbības programmas
2014.-2020. gadam ietvaros īstenos projektu„Family valley” jeb „Ģimenes

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9 August 2017

Kretingoje bus įkurtas “Šeimos slėnis”

2017 m. gegužės 1 dieną Kretingos rajono savivaldybės administracija pradėjo įgyvendinti projektą „Šeimos slėnis“ Nr. LLI-228. Projektas įgyvendinamas kartu su partneriu – Alūkstos savivaldybe (Latvija).

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15 June 2017

Educational seminar will take place

First project event – educational seminar “The motivational relationship in family: how to talk to people of different generations and at the same time to find common solutions” will take place on 19 June in Kretinga.
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Project main output is people from 2 (two) deprived communities (large families, socially excluded people) who are integrated to the social life.

Main project deliverables are:

1. 2 established family valleys (one in Lithuania with children playground equipment (including field drainage works and other land works, small architecture) and other in Latvia with ice skating rink).

Family valley in Lithuania
Family valley in Lithuania
Family valley in Lithuania
Family valley in Latvia

2. 6 workshops for families. During workshops families had the opportunity to try new methods in communication, parenting, breastfeeding, as well as getting acquainted with food cooking together with the whole family, making handicrafts. These activities brought family members together.

Cooking workshop
Chalk board workshop
Balts‘ vikings armamament demonstration/wokrshop
Workshop for families on children raising and feeding


3. 9 meetings with psychologists allowed families in Kretinga to gain knowledge from specialists and consult with them. Meetings with psychologists brought together families by revealing that most of them has similar problems and sharing best experiences in solving them.

4. 44 ice skates were bought and used by Ilukste families.

5. 2 camps (in Latvia and Lithuania) allowed families to meet and communicate while having educational activities, make close ties with each other, share experiences.

Summer camp in Lithuania
Winter camp in Latvia

Winter camp in Latvia

To sum up, main output users are families with children. Added value of these outputs was visible and felt even during the start of the project. Activities, planned in the project, are desirable and necessary for families, thus municipality received many suggestions for upcoming meetings and workshops and further works in the family valley.

Last updated: 26.06.2024 15:10