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03 October 2022
Daugavpils City Council in cooperation with the Municipal Administration of the Anykščiai Region implemented a joint Interreg V-A Latvia – Lithuania Programme 2014-2020 (@LatviaLithuaniaProgramme) project No. LLI – 472 “Joint Management of Urban Wetland Areas in border region Latvia-Lithuania” (Urb-Area). The aim of the project – to develop a new and effective approach to joint cross-border management of urban wetlands.
During two years various activities were carried out in Daugavpils municipality – pond improvement works were implemented in the territory of the Esplanade to enhance the green infrastructure of Daugavpils urban wetland, as well as Latgale Zoo territory was improved, together with experts from Daugavpils University joiny DAUGAVPILS AND ANYKSCIAI URBAN WETLANDS MANAGEMENT PLAN was created, various public education activities have been organized. In order to raise environmental awareness and understanding of the need to preserve wetlands among residents and visitors of Daugavpils and Anykščiai, on-line application was created within the project, it provides an electronic catalogue of the most important species and biotopes of the Esplanade Wetland in Daugavpils and the Green Pond in Anykščiai, kā arī dažādi papildus eko-izglītības materiāli. Also online cameras have been installed in the Esplanade Wetland in Daugavpils, which can be connected and live-streamed via the application. All this can be found here: https://urbanwetland.eu/
Project title: “Joint Management of Urban Wetland Areas in border region Latvia-Lithuania”
Project acronym: Urb-Area
Project number: LLI – 472
ERDF funding: 319 719.36 EUR
More about the project:
The contents are the sole responsibility of Daugavpils City Municipality and can under no circumstances be regarded as reflecting the position of the European Union..
Information prepared by
Development department
Division of Investments and International Cooperation
Last updated: 26.06.2024 15:10