Bringing neighbours closer
Welcome to the Interreg V-A Latvia–Lithuania Programme 2014–2020!
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20 April 2017
Due to the high interest of the potential applicants to the 2nd call of the Programme, the Programme organises additional seminars for the potential applicants that will be held in national languages – Latvian and Lithuanian.
The participants of the seminars will find out about the Programme priorities, main requirements to the project applications, how to fill-in and submit project application via eMS. An attention will be given to the most common mistakes in the applications of the 1st call of the Programme. The presentations will be followed by questions and answers sessions as well as individual consultations, when potential applicants will be able to get answers to practical questions on application process.
Seminar in Latvian
RIGA, on 27 April at The Ministry of Environmental Protection and Regional Development, Peldu street 25, Rīga.
Agenda of the seminar in Latvian.
To register for the seminar in Riga, please click here. Deadline for registration is April 25.
Seminar in Lithuanin
VILNIUS, on 28 April at hotel Amberton Vilnius, L. Stuokos-Gucevičiaus st. 1, Vilnius
Agenda of the seminar in Lithuanian.
To register for the seminar in Vilnius, please click here. Deadline for registration is April 25.
Last updated: 26.06.2024 15:10