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15 May 2018
Every nation has its roots of origin, culture, heritage, customs shaped over centuries, values and created myths transmitted by ancestors. It is well known that germans associate their origin with Germanic peoples (teutons), scandinavians with vikings, and we Lithuanians togerther with Latvians are descendants of Balts.
Archaeological finds, historical documents, written sources and such cultural heritage as ancient settlements, mounds, tumuli and etc. point to development and importance of the Balts‘ culture. Today Balts‘ cultural writtings are reflected in decoratve details of household goods, fabric ornaments, jewelry, clothing, and festival traditions. Festivals, education, Baltic rites, natural arts, gatherings (evening parties and/or common indoor work in the evenings) and magic celebrations for Balts‘ culture are organised in Lithuania and Latvia.
Baltic identity is presented as special, exceptional, and most of the times as a unique feature in language, mithology and archeology. Baltic identity is presented as a feature which enriches Europe‘s cultural diversity. As we are the only descendants and promoters of the ancient Balts‘ culture we are bound to transmitt traditions and long lasting value to future generations. We have to present the culture of ancestors as a phenomenon that is very much alive and kicking and that is not only of cultural importance but also closely related to universally shared values. Today it is relevant to remind the society about the link with the Balts‘ culture, promote the importance of world view, mindset and attitude towards nature that we inherited from ancestors and, most important, to stimulate community members‘ interest in tangible and intangible Balts‘ tribes heritage which in modern life is significant although not always identifiable.
Content of International Cultural Route‘s „Balts‘ Road“ information seminars drawn attention to „Balts‘ Road‘s“ services and products representing Balts‘ trraditions, improved society‘s knowledge in the spheres of Balts‘ cultural heritage and tourism, and also presented the implemented project and its objectives. The aim of the project‘s activities is to create a unique intercultural tourism itinerary „Balts‘ Road“ that will connect objects, areas, services and products representing Balts‘ culture in the territory of Lithuania and Latvia. Heritage representatives, providers of diverse services, education providers, representatives of accomodation and catering establishments are invited to communicate and cooperate to ensure complete and high-qualty development of the tourism itinerary and to encourage regions to become more attractive, visible and open for travellers.
The developed tourism itinerary will create an attractive to tourists image of the regions within the territory of the project International Cultural Route „Balts‘ Road“ and encourage the society to travel and wonder where do we Lithuanians and Latvians are from, discover their cultural origins, roots of customs and ascertain what unites and what divides us.
This article is drafted using European Union’s financial assistance. National Region’s Development Agency is responsible for the content of this article. Under no circumstances does this article reflect the opinion of the European Union.
The total budget of the project is EUR 763,402.35. EUR 648,892 of the total is European Regional Development Funds co-financing.
More information about the project on the official website of the National Region’s Development Agency https://nrda.lt/baltu-kelias/
Last updated: 26.06.2024 15:10