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Welcome to the Interreg V-A Latvia–Lithuania Programme 2014–2020!
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Project Duration: 01.08.2019 - 31.01.2023
Project ERDF Financing: 1 032 036
Project call: BRESE
Objective: remove barriers, raise awareness, and evaluate policy guidelines and business support programmes for social enterprises by comparing and improving existing regional policy instruments in different European border regions.
The BRESE project aims to deconstruct barriers, raise awareness, and assess policy frameworks and business support schemes for social enterprises by comparing and improving existing policy instruments in different European border regions. In doing so, BRESE will take stock of existing frameworks and tailored support schemes in the partner regions and improve the regional policy instruments to better respond to the needs of Social Enterprises.
Social Enterprises have proven the ability to foster inclusive growth, address societal needs and build social cohesion and inclusion. They also bear the potential to provide innovative solutions to some of the most pressing societal and environmental problems, and to create more and better jobs counteracting the high unemployment and youth unemployment rates that several regions in Europe are facing. These are also some of the objectives of the EU 2020 strategy. Regardless of the great potential that social enterprises bear for European regions, the landscape of policy and legal frameworks recognizing the special status of social enterprises, as well as suitable business support instruments for social enterprises are still very fragmented and insufficient. Although social enterprises have a special agenda combining an entrepreneurial and a social element, they often have to compete with “traditional” enterprises on the market.
Making use of the existing differences in European border regions, the BRESE project will share experience within an interregional learning process with a partner consortium consisting of the Euregio Rhine-Waal, HAMAG-BICRO, the Ministry of Environmental Protection and Regional Development of the Republic of Latvia, the Slovak Business Agency, Rzeszow Regional Development Agency and the University of Latvia.
Brochure (in English)
Brochure (in Latvian)
Brochure (in Lithuanian)
More information can be found on the official project BRESE website:
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Last updated: 26.06.2024 15:10