Bringing neighbours closer
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18 January 2019
Collaboration and Technology – These are the key words to explain last year’s performance in protecting and strengthening the state border. Already since 2015, great attention has been paid to the construction of the border infrastructure, as well as to the development of technical tools. As a result, the number of violations detected on the “green” border has doubled. If 104 third-country nationals were detained for illegal crossing of the “green” border in 2017, then in 2018, 199 third-country nationals were caught in this illegal activity, in close cooperation with their counterparts from neighboring countries. Vietnamese nationals still dominate among illegal border offenders.
In 2018, the Lithuanian State Border Guard detected 67 border violations at the border with Belarus and detained 121 border offenders. In the said border section, 184 cases of smuggling to Lithuania were blocked last year. The high number of detained immigrants is due to the effectiveness of the border guard.
The project is co-financed by the Latvia-Lithuania programme. Project Lead partner is latvian State police.
Last updated: 26.06.2024 15:10