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16 July 2021
On 6th of July, 2021 at 4 p. m. creative workshops for the public were organized at Upytė Craft Center (Ėriškių str. 16B, Upytė, Panevėžys district) and near Upytė Mound. The creation of a ribbon as an element of Lithuanian national costume took place under implementation of the Interreg V-A Latvia – Lithuania Cross Border Cooperation Programme 2014–2020 project „Craftsmanship as Tourism Product without Borders (LLI-539 Tour de Crafts)“.
Everyone who wanted was invited to join and weave their own ribbon. This educational program was a part of the event d
edicated to Lithuanian State Day in Panevėžys district.
Therefore, the combinations of threads of Lithuanian national flag colors – yellow, green and red – were chosen to weave the ribbon in order to mark this special occasion. The participants who came to the event very willingly and enthusiastically joined the educational activities, and after getting acquainted with the method of weaving the ribbon and trying it, they woven it as a festive element of the national costume. Adorned with their own product, they continued actively participate in the festival’s events, encouraging other participants to take advantage of the unique opportunity to create their own unique attribute of the event.
The LED screen system purchased from the project budget was also tested: certified weaver, folk artist Irena Ona Vilienė demonstrated ribbon weaving at Upytė Traditional Crafts Center, while participants gathered on Upytė Mound, where stands and threads for ribbon weaving were prepared, watching the broadcast lesson on a nearby LED screen, weaved their ribbons.
The ribbon weaving method was of particular interest to children and seniors, accompanied by a festive mood, people gathered at the ribbon weaving stands until the end of the event.
These creative workshops as educational program will be continued at the Upytė Craft Center during various other events or as a separate programme for tourists, visitors and students coming here.
More about the project: https://www.panrs.lt/wp-content/uploads/2021/05/amatininkyste_en.pdf
The project is funded by the European Regional Development Fund.
Information about the Interreg V-A Latvia – Lithuania Cross Border Cooperation Programme 2014–2020: https://2014-2020.latlit.eu/
This publication has been produced with the financial assistance of the European Union. The contents of this publication are the sole responsibility of the project partner – Panevėžys district municipality administration and can under no circumstances be regarded as reflecting the position of the European Union.
06 July 2021
Date(s) - 6. July
4:00 pm
Upytė Craft Center (, , )
On 6th of July, 2021 at 4 p. m. creative workshops for the public will be organized at Upytė Craft Center and near Upytė Mound. The creation of a ribbon as an element of Lithuanian national costume will take place under implementation of the Interreg V-A Latvia – Lithuania Cross Border Cooperation Programme 2014–2020 project „Craftsmanship as Tourism Product without Borders (LLI-539 Tour de Crafts)“.
Panevėžys district municipality administration invites everyone who wants to join and try to weave their own ribbon!
More about the project: https://www.panrs.lt/wp-content/uploads/2021/05/amatininkyste_en.pdf
Contact person for project implementation issues: project manager Miglė Bražėnienė, tel. +370 45 581 707.